Our Approach

Our Back Ground

To minimize habitual homelessness among a large number of veterans, the federal government implemented the Veterans Administration (VA) HUD-VASH housing assistance program in 2008. This program provides a housing subsidy to homeless vets and assists them in finding housing. The program DOES NOT provide furniture….that need is met primarily through the donations of private individuals and businesses.

Most of these veterans have experienced years of homelessness. Most have had, or still struggle with substance abuse problems. Many also have mental health illnesses. This is vulnerable population, suspicious of “normal” society which,
for the most part, has turned a blind eye on these men and women have
served their country.

Without the minimum basics of furniture and household items , a homeless vet will not stay in housing and will return to the familiarity of his former existence, even though that is filled with uncertainty and danger. Having a “home” with a few comforts and necessities increases the likelihood that the vet will remain in his apartment and begin socialization
with a community.

Our Story

What We Do and How We Do It

We seek to help these veterans integrate into society by helping them with their household goods and furnishing needs, starting with the bed. We depend on the generous donations of “gently used” and new furniture, kitchen items,  clothing, and TV’s from individuals, churches and service organizations.

We are a 501c3 charitable organization. If you would like to make a  contribution, we will provide you the details.

How You Can Help.

Donate your gently used or new furniture items, household goods, kitchen items, linens and clothing.
Our priority need is beds-queen size is the maximum that the apartments will accommodate.

  • We do not have capacity or capability for doing repair work so we appreciate donated items that are fully functional
  • We do accept working electronic items (TV’s, Radios/CD player,etc.)

Donate Cash and Gas Cards

  • Our volunteers drive many miles all over Tucson picking up donations.
    Many are low-income earners and fuel is a major expense
  • Other operating expenses include paper, printer ink and postage

Meet the Reason

Phillip Fileccia

Founder & CEO

Veterans Housing